The small carafe forms the start of the harvey series. Approached from the back side it looks like a cup, but when turned a quarter, the appearance changes completely. The frontside exists of a sprout, giving it a perky opposite shape to the cup.
The cup shape forms the base of the complete series. It includes the small and large carafe, a stackable cup in 3 sizes, a plate / tray and a candle stand that accommodates the 3 most common candle sizes.
All the objects are produced by Studio Zand . Made from a deep warm anthracite porcelain. Due to the hand polished finish the surface is dense, and it provides a subtle shine
- Dimensions: 14 x 10 x 11 cm high
- Material: Anthracite porcelain
Aldo Bakker
The approach of Aldo Bakker ( 1971, Amersfoort, Netherlands) can best be described as designing from the inside out. He aims to evoke interaction with his public on multiple senses. Haptic experiences caused by texture, depth, mirroring and weight. His tools of influence are his outspoken love for materials and his never-ending determination to understand various craftsmanship’s. Combined with his tameless urge for perfection, his objects lack a typical ‘handmade’ impression, even contrarily. The almost endless process of their realization give them a sense of ‘inhuman’ belonging, questioning their own existence.
Aldo Bakker comes from a well established design background. His father is Gijs Bakker, co-founder of Dutch design collective Droog and one of the first and most influential conceptual designers, while his mother was jewelry designer Emmy van Leersum. He propounds the notion that objects possess and evoke emotions in the user and that they can communicate through association, touch, texture and materiality. His work, often strange yet also strangely familiar, is intended to pose questions and trigger responses. He writes: "My objects should be able to create a space around themselves, to define their context on their own. I question their meaning and, hence, their use. In the ideal case an object acquires a status that legitimises itself, independently of the surroundings."